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Qui sommes nous ?






Is an agency specialising in private security and consulting providing its customers and partners with adapted security operations. 
​Indeed, SCOP+ Security uses the most rigorous and professional method of fulfilling the legal procedures related to this business…


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Qui sommes nous ?


(​Service/Consulting/Organization/Partnership) Is an agency specialized in private security and consulting providing its customers and partners with adapted security operations.
​Indeed, SCOP+ Security uses the most rigorous and professional method of fulfilling the legal procedures related to this business...


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Our Services

Surveillance / Guardianship

At SCOP+ Security, we are committed to providing a diligent presence and exemplary professionalism at public functions in your exhibition or sales spaces…

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Residential Surveillance

At SCOP+ Security, we pay particular attention to the surveillance of your property and your assets, to prevent malicious acts. The quality of our security service is guaranteed in your presence or not…

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Industrial Surveillance 

At SCOP+ Security, we take all necessary measures to ensure the security of your industrial domain to protect your employees, equipment, buildings, and all your production facilities against threats of intrusion…


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Sécurité Événementielle

At SCOP+ Security, our objective is to ensure complete support for all types of events. With our experience, we will make a positive contribution to its success…


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Sécurité Incendie

At SCOP+ Security, we are committed to fighting fires and unpredictability that may occur on a protected site. We ensure that qualified staff are deployed to ensure the proper functioning of the fire system...


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Interventions and Patrols 

At SCOP+ Security, we make sure that our security officers have a road map for their rounds in their predetermined geographical area in agreement with the client…

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Agent Cynophile

At SCOP+ Security, any intervention of the dog safety officer is carried out in pairs with his dog. His profession is to provide surveillance and protection of a place, of its residents, and is also responsible for preventing any attempted intrusion… 

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Surveillance / Guardianship

At SCOP+ Security, we are committed to providing a diligent presence and exemplary professionalism at public functions in your exhibition or sales spaces…

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Residential Surveillance

At SCOP+ Security, we pay particular attention to the surveillance of your property and your assets, to prevent malicious acts. The quality of our security service is guaranteed in your presence or not…

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Industrial Surveillance 

At SCOP+ Security, we take all necessary measures to ensure the security of your industrial domain to protect your employees, equipment, buildings, and all your production facilities against threats of intrusion… 


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Evenemential Security

At SCOP+ Security, our objective is to ensure complete support for all types of events. With our experience, we will make a positive contribution to its success…


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Fire Safety  

At SCOP+ Security, we are committed to fighting fires and unpredictability that may occur on a protected site. We ensure that qualified staff are deployed to ensure the proper functioning of the fire system...


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Interventions and Patrols 

At SCOP+ Security, we make sure that our security officers have a road map for their rounds in their predetermined geographical area in agreement with the client…


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Dog Warden 

At SCOP+ Security, any intervention of the dog safety officer is carried out in pairs with his dog. His profession is to provide surveillance and protection of a place, of its residents, and is also responsible for preventing any attempted intrusion…


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